Students of product design gained valuable experience in the company TREVOS

The cooperation between TREVOS and SUPŠS Železný Brod continues! Two students of product design completed their compulsory school practice in TREVOS during May, where they spent a total of three working weeks in the marketing and technical department.

Students of product design gained valuable experience in the company TREVOS

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Their assignment from the marketing department was to create a poster on the theme of the NANOTTICA product line, which is TREVOS' flagship luminaire line. The graphic work was coordinated by the head graphic designer, who took the lead of the students. The result of the student's work was extraordinary and their posters will be displayed in the company's showroom.

During the internship, the students also learned about manufacturing, both metal fabrication and plastics processing. They mainly focused on the production of reflectors, luminaire bodies and diffusers. The technical department also introduced the students to 3D object modeling of luminaires.

Overall, the cooperation was very rewarding for both parties and the students gained valuable practical experience in product design and luminaire manufacturing.

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