ETIM database - having up-to-date information is a great competitive advantage

We would like to inform you that we have prepared an ETIM database for all our products! We are aware of the importance of providing accurate and up-to-date information about our products, so we want to make this process easier for you.

ETIM database - having up-to-date information is a great competitive advantage

Having an ETIM database of our products means that we can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on our entire product range. ETIM data is structured and standardized technical data that contains detailed information about our luminaires. This gives you access to the full specifications of our luminaires including all parameters and technical details. This allows you to not only respond quickly to your customer's demands but also to strengthen your position in the market. You will be able to offer quality and relevant information at any time.

The database is prepared in BMEcat format according to ETIM 9 standards and allows the automatic uploading of data about our products to your e-shops and information systems.

We will be glad to send you our actual ETIM database. Just send us a request and we will make sure you always have the latest data available.

Stay one step ahead and use up-to-date information on Trevos products as your competitive advantage.

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